
首页 /先前学习学分

Tests and other diagnostic techniques are administered to determine when the student has met the established course objectives. The length of time a student takes to complete the developmental courses depends primarily upon the student’s entering ability and the student’s strength of motivation to succeed. Many students can master these skills during the first 15-week semester; others may need to take a year or more of developmental coursework. In all cases the primary goal of the developmental course is to offer students an opportunity to master the basic academic skills necessary for success in regular college courses.


学生有理由相信以前的教育研究, 培训项目, 或者工作经验可能使他们有权在特定课程的必修课程中进行调整 should contact the Division Dean to determine procedures before registering for classes. 通过随后的面试和测试, 学生可申请豁免课程入学要求, 当然前提条件, 并根据相应系主任的建议,在课程中加入课程. 学生 may substitute equivalent or more sophisticated courses in the same field in any approved curriculum with the approval of the instructional division and the Chief Academic Officer or designee provided they can, 以前的教育成就或大学管理的考试, 在所要求的课程中表现出成功的能力. 除了, 如果学生能证明以前的教育学习, 培训, 工作经验, or college administered examination results may entitle them to advancement in the courses required or a particular curriculum, 应要求并经教学部门和首席学术官批准, 他们可能会在申请升学的课程或课程中获得提前安置和学分.

如果要求被豁免, 学生必须成功完成其他课程以弥补学分.


豁免学分是指在行政上豁免的某一特定专业通常需要的课程学分. 放弃学分需要选择额外的学分课程
以补偿放弃的学分. 退伍军人可以免除学位和证书课程的体育教育要求, and the College may grant up to 3 credits of physical education/health credits for basic military 培训 to satisfy the physical/health credit
退伍军人课程的要求. 退伍军人学生可以向招生服务/退伍军人事务部咨询有关豁免的帮助. 替换有残疾证明的学生的要求, 受1990年《靠谱的买球网站》(ADA)和1973年《靠谱的买球网站》第504条的保护, 修订的. 其他有残疾证明的合格学生, 因为他们残疾, 不能完成学生所追求的课程的要求, 有或没有合理的安排, 获豁免. 信用将根据个人投资组合评估而授予, which may be conducted by faculty at the individual colleges or by using the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning’s (CAEL) guidelines, 和/或CAEL的LearningCounts.组织先前学习评估服务.

e. 对非大学教育的先前学习可以授予学分, 培训, 和/或大学教师推荐的职业经验, 美国教育委员会(ACE), 全国大学信用推荐服务, 或者其他大学认可的组织.
(1) 除了以上, each college shall develop procedures for the award of academic credit to any enrolled student who has successfully completed a military 培训 course or program as part of the student’s military service that is applicable to the certificate or
a. Recommended for academic credit by the national higher education association that programs academic credit recommendations for military 培训 courses or programs:
b. Noted on the student’s military transcript issued by any of the armed forces of the United States; or
c. 其他由美国任何武装部队书面记录的.
(1) The determination of such credit must be made by qualified faculty members at the institution or according to procedures and standards approved by qualified faculty ensuring that assessment procedures are appropriate for the credit awarded.
(2) 如果使用文件和面试代替考试, the institution must demonstrate that these methods provide assurances of academic comparability to credit earned by traditional means.
(3) Portfolio-based credit for prior experiential learning may be awarded for no more than 25 percent of the credit hours applied toward a degree. 在个别特殊情况下, 然而, 先前学习经验的性质和内容可能需要适当地授予额外的学分. 该机构必须证明每个案例的合理性.
(4) 在授予先前体验式学习学分时,机构必须:
a. Award credit only for documented learning which ties the prior experience to the theories and data of the relevant academic field;
b. 奖励学分只推荐几个靠谱的买球网站录取的学生, 将学生成绩单上的学分确定为先前体验式学习的学分, 根据另一个机构的要求, 记录这些学习是如何评估的,以及授予这些学分的依据;
c. 采用, 在适当的机构出版物中描述, 执行并定期审查政策,可要求批准的课程替代. Substitutions will generally not be granted for any course that is deemed essential to the program of instruction being pursued by such student, 或任何直接相关的许可要求. 如果要求被豁免, 学生必须成功完成其他课程以弥补学分.

Advanced standing is the administrative placement of a student that awards credit for subject matter competency based on previous academic study or acquired through non traditional means. 这可能包括, 但不限于, college credit and advancement based upon the administration and evaluation of locally-developed examinations; individual college participation in nationally recognized standardization exams; experiential learning; and 培训 provided by non-collegiate institutions, 比如军队服务学校.

a. College credit is a means of achieving 免修 through an administrative determination by the college that equivalent course coverage has been satisfactorily completed at a regionally accredited postsecondary institution. 通过这种方式取得的信用必须得到核实
b. Credit by Local Examination is a means of achieving 免修 through satisfactorily demonstrating subject-matter competency by means of an examination developed, 并由学院教师评估. 考试必须以既定的课程学习成果为基础,必须是全面的.
c. Credit by Standardized Examinations is a means of achieving 免修 through a nationally recognized or college approved external agency. 用于此目的的外部考试包括但不限于大学水平考试计划(CLEP), 科目标准化测验(DSST), 非传统教育支持防御活动(DANTES), 卓越学分考试(ECE), 高考委员会(CEEB), 大学先修课程(AP, 剑桥高级(A/AS)考试, 国际文凭(IB)项目, 和国防语言能力测试(DLPT). 收到官方考试成绩后,所有弗吉尼亚社区学院都接受3分的成绩 (3) 大学先修课程(AP)的要求更高, 四(4)或更高的分数为更高水平的国际文凭(IB)课程, 5分或更高的标准水平的国际文凭(IB)课程, 在CLEP课程中获得50分或更高的分数, 剑桥高级(A/AS)考试成绩达到C或以上,如果学院提供同等课程. The colleges assume no responsibility regarding the acceptance of 免修 credit by other institutions to which the student may transfer.
d. Credit by Experiential Learning is a means of achieving 免修 through an administrative determination by faculty of the college or by a college approved learning assessment service that the occupational experience of an individual is at least equivalent to the course(s) and procedures for awarding credit for experiential learning; and
d. 清楚地描述, 并建立的有效性, 对先前体验式学习的评价过程和授予学分的标准.


学生有理由相信以前的教育研究, 培训项目, 或者工作经验可能使他们有权在特定课程的必修课程中进行调整, should contact their academic advisor or the appropriate faculty member to determine procedures before registering for classes and to complete the appropriate documentation. A student who is currently enrolled in a class and wishes to apply for advanced standing must complete the process and drop the class within the add/drop period.
